Check out the progress from the start of the building project through until October in the video below.
We thought it would be a great idea to try and record the new showroom being built because it's something that is only likely to happen once for most, if not all the staff here at Phillips. A timelapse camera seemed the best way to do it, so we purchased one and agreed with the builders on a location that didn't get in their way but could record all that was going on. We've been very pleased with the results but we had to learn the hard way...make sure you check the camera regularly!!! We missed pretty much the whole month of August, which was when the steelwork went up - gutted! You will notice the sudden appearance of a steel structure about a third of the way through the video...if only it actually did happen that quickly.
This is what we have recorded so far, so make sure you keep checking back to see more as we capture it, and before long the finished showroom.
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